How much does a website cost?
Pricing and building a website is much like pricing and building a new home or purchasing a new car. There are so many options and factors involved that it is impossible to have just one flat rate price. Websites can range in price anywhere from $0 (from a free do-it-yourself online site creation) - $100,000+ (for large corporations).
What does Sugar Webs charge?
Sugar Webs tries to work within your budget. Many times, you will be asked for a budget (think realistically), but the budget you give is not so that it can be maxed out. By telling me your budget, I will be able to offer you different options to work within your budget.
Website prices start at $2500. Discounts may be applied for repeat customers, customer referrals, or maybe I am just in an extremely good mood that particular day - being a freelancer, I can do that. On average, a site from Sugar Webs costs around $3000. Once again, this depends on your needs. If you need more, it will cost more. If you need less, it will cost less.
Consulting, maintenance, and training rates vary by contract. Rates may range anywhere from $50 to $95/hr. Why? It depends on what you need. If you need me for a brief moment, fees are higher. If you are planning a long-term relationship, fees may be lower. Most contracts carry a monthly service fee as well as an hourly rate.